About Us
Everything in life has a meaning. Nothing in life is coincidental.
There is truly a purpose for it all.
During the founders' journey towards personal growth, they desired a way to easily access information to gain an understanding of their everyday problems, without having to rely on others. In order to progress in their growth, they studied spirituality and psychology to discover the meaning behind all of life's hurdles. After finding a void in the market, the seed that led to creating the WHY? app was planted. They made it their mission to build a centralized place where people can gain useful bite size content at the palm of their hands. The solution based app provides original tools to shift perspective and provide meaning to aid in a greater transformation.
The belief that everything has a meaning is universally true among almost every ideology. WHY? is a unified place where people can go to gain the motivation and wisdom to take life into their own hands. By transforming yourself for the better, you can and will receive all the beautiful things that life has in store for you.
It's true, there is more out there and all it starts within!